24,134 research outputs found

    Bio-techno-practice. Personal and social responsibility in the academic work

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    The new challenges posed by biomedicine and biotechnologies ask for a deeper consideration on the relationship among science, knowledge and social responsibility. On one hand, in fact, technologies seem to shape our idea of human progress and scientific understanding of the natural world and of life in particular. On the other hand, a thoughtful consideration on the philosophical foundations of science as human enterprise is required. This also opens important questions about the new emerging paradigms of ‘excellence’ in the academic, social and market fields and on the role that universities play in training the future leaders and professionals of our society. After a short review of the contemporary philosophical reflections on the unity of knowledge, which is the origin and the goal of academic work, we argue that adherence to our current challenges through the bio-techno-practice prism is a fecund driving force of the academic activities. Moving from the experience of an international project, we also discuss the impact that such interdisciplinary activities have on what we call hidden curriculum, i.e. the embodied style of (skills that allow) people in taking care of each other in their physical, social, professional and scientific needs

    Il Dio che rischia e che “cambia”: introduzione all’Open Theism

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    In the following essay I will describe the cultural and disciplinary areas in which Open Theism has been developing and deal with the main authors, who has defended this new doctrine, and their main works. In the second section I will analyse their main theses about divine attributes, some theological questions, several objections to this new non-standard theism and their rebuttals. In the conclusion I will highlight the problems still open and evaluate the overall Open Theism’s theoretical work. At the end, also the text "Omniscience, Freedom, and Mystery", a part of the article TRANSLATED into english. The issue of omniscience is one of the most debated in contemporary Analytical Philosophy of Religion. However, what is often lacking in this discussion is a deep understanding of the dilemma of omniscience and human freedom within a complete epistemological (what can we really say about the divine and the world), metaphysical and theological framework. For example, it is often forgotten to frame some issues within a clear definition of the notion of mystery. I defined what we can mean by “mystery” in this forthcoming article: "Trinity and Mystery. Three Models: Aquinas, Leibniz, and Hegel" In the same article (and also in the first article mentioned above) can be found a reflection on the analogical use of terms, which involve the terms (the notions) of “freedom” and “omniscience”. This use, therefore, could make possible to develop the argument I propose

    Razón e imaginación en la reciente filosofía moral española

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    O Epicuro de Marx: considerações sobre a controvérsia ao redor da Clinamen

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    O presente trabalho teórico e bibliográfico se dedica a reconstruir o conceito de declinação espontânea do átomo em Epicuro, tal qual Marx defendeu em sua tese de doutorado. Seu objetivo é descobrir se a clinamen do átomo está presente em Epicuro e, se está, como se pode pensá-la. Percebe-se que a clinamen que aparece nos textos remanescentes de Epicuro não traz a noção de declinação espontânea, como aparece em Lucrécio e Marx, como Quartim de Moraes afirma. Entretanto, tendo como base as premissas fundamentais de Epicuro, conclui-se que é necessário, ao sistematizar o seu pensamento, introduzir a noção de declinação espontânea para não reduzir sua filosofia ao determinismo e ao fatalismo. A clinamen não é um absurdo no pensamento de Epicuro, mas é uma questão fundamental que passa por toda sua filosofia e que poderia estar presente nas obras perdidas deste autor, assim como Marx pensou. Fundamentalmente, como filósofo da felicidade, Epicuro introduz a clinamen como declinação da vida infeliz

    Onésimo Teotónio de Almeida, De Marx a Darwin. A desconfiança das Ideologias

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    "Apresentar Onésimo Teotónio de Almeida não é tarefa fácil, muito menos na obra que ora se lança De Marx a Darwin, a desconfiança das ideologias. A partida, Marx e Darwin são dois nomes que apontam para perspectivas diferentes, uma tradicionalmente mais ideológica a outra mais científica numa dinâmica evolucionista. […]. […]. A minha colega, Doutora Gabriela Castro, pôs a bitola científica em patamares de discussão muito elevados, pelo que a minha intervenção nesta sessão se resume a breves reflexões exploratórias de dois capítulos do livro, concretamente o terceiro, "Cultura versus natureza - uma revisitação", e o quinto, "Do (re)conhecimento da ignorância como saudável atitude fundacional. […]"

    A questão do livre-arbítrio em John R. Searle: uma contraposição do naturalismo biológico ao fisicalismo e ao funcionalismo

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    This paper compares the theses of physicalism and functionalism – particularly the computacionalist line – with the biological naturalism of John Searle regarding the possibility of free will. In such contrast, each line is decomposed into its statements so that they can be reviewed. It is argued that the searlean biological naturalism can explain more than the other two philosophies on how free action can have the source of its motivation in what is external to the mental state that makes it beperformed. Finally, even if the issue of free will still is open, I shall argue that free will does not find any room in the scenario that the lines of physicalism and functionalism present

    Tecnologia social: uma estratégia para o desenvolvimento

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    Esta publicação apresenta reflexões de diversos representantes de instituições governamentais, do terceiro setor, da sociedade civil e de universidades sobre o tema da Tecnologia Social

    Ricordo di Pierluigi Donini

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    Infinite vs. Singularity. Between Leibniz and Hegel

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    The aim of this paper is to reconsider the controversial problem of the relationship between the philosophy of Hegel and Leibniz. Beyond the thick curtain of historical references (which have been widely developed by scholars), it is in fact possible to assume some guideline concepts (i.e. those of \u2018singularity\u2019 and \u2018infinity\u2019) to reconstruct the deep theoretical influence which Leibniz played in Hegel\u2019s thought since the Jenaer Systementwurf of 1804/05